Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is the difference between blogger and website?

Blogger ( ) is a blogging tool that creates a certain kind of web site for you. It is great for getting a good-looking news or journal/diary type site up and running quickly. It's also very easy to update even if you don't have any coding skills - about as easy as posting a question here. It also makes quick and easy work of posting photos.

While you can choose different looks for a Blogger site, given that the system is geared toward handling text entries and a few photos, you shouldn't expect to be able to completely change the design or add different types of content or navigation beyond what is already built into the system. If you learn how to customize their templates you can add a bit more into your blog than a stock Blogger site, but still - it is not made to have different sections or levels or for online commerce or anything like that.

"Web site" is a broader term that applies to a collection of pages under a domain name (i.e., ) on the Internet. Building a web site as opposed to creating a Blogger site allows for a customized site that can include whatever you like, as opposed to just the content that Blogger can handle. However, building a web site is usually a much more complicated process than starting a blog using Blogger.

I do both: use Blogger (for family and personal journaling) and build web sites (mostly for clients).
What is the difference between blogger and website?
Blogger = the author of a blog (a person who keeps a personal diary on the internet)

Blog = Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Web site.

Web site = The entire collection of web pages and other information (such as images, sound, and video files, etc.) that are made available through what appears to users as a single web server. (any page on the internet)

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